Populate Azure Subscription Tags discovered during Azure Subscription discovery on "Infrastructure -> Cloud Accounts -> "clock on Subscription""
Hello Device42,
as discussed on call.
Right now, the Azure subscription discovery didn't populate the "real Azur" Tags of on Microsoft Azure Subscription to the Cloud Accounts view.
Right now it only shows the "Device42 Tags" configured in the Autodiscovery Job, two times.
On one hand, that looks like a bug / makes no sense to have the same information two times on the same place and on the other hand, usually Azure Subscription Tags contain important information for most customers.
Also on our site, there is a really high demand, to have that information on Device42.
Without them, most of the benefit of the Azure discovery isn't existing and we need to wait for you to implement that, to make value of it.
Technically, I saw you already discovery and populate Tags for Azure resources and populate them. But we need also the Tags of the Subscription itself.
Thank you in advance!
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