Wipe Feature for Re-purposed Hardware
CompletedI've noticed that if we re-purpose a machine, say from VMware to Windows that the old MAC and IP info stay associated with the record. The only way to get a fresh start is to manually remove that info. It would be cool to be able to select a record (or multiple records say a chassis worth) and have an option to clear that info out - like how I can create a re-importable export. If possible clear the OS info, too.
Hi Tim,
We recently added intelligent life-cycle events in v5.9.1: http://blog.device42.com/2014/08/lifecycle-event-actions-and-spare-parts-alerting-with-v5-9-1/
You can add an event called re-purposed and have it clear all connectivity and all IPs when that event is added to a particular device. You can choose what actions to take when that event is fired, only thing missing is clearing out the OS. We will discuss that internally.
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