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Customizable frontend UI




  • Paula Kingsley

    Hear, hear. I want to be able to select *any* (or nearly any) field / include columns in the device lists. And I want to be able to select multiple values within a view ... e.g., hardware models X and Y but not Z. 

  • Jens Bech Madsen

    I agree completely that the current design makes it very hard to get a good overview of a device.

    Whether it should be made configurable or the tabs are just removed completely for everyone, I don't care. The important thing to me is that we get all information on one page - even if that means we have to scroll down to see everything. Scrolling is so much better than having to click the tabs.

  • Arjen Annes

    Having all on one page, and hidding the fields without any value would also be an option indeed. I think a combination of hiding empty fields and making it possible to determine the location of certain fields would be very nice

  • Irena Nikolova

    +1 customizable columns (show/hide) can make the UI way more useful

  • Irena Nikolova


    As this has status "Planned", can you clarify when is it planned to be released?




  • Chris Fulp

    +1 as well.  It would be great to be able to hide/move fields based on the hardware model.  For example, we don't really need to have the CPU/Memory/Hard Disk and OS fields for PDU Devices.

  • Clement Odot

    Currently, from the rack view, I can see available Us but more often that not, when choosing a rack for a physical device integration, I'm limited by patch panel available ports and not by rack space.

    Could you add a column "available patch panel ports" and "available switch ports" (if using top of rack networking)?

  • Evgeniy Tikhomirov

    Will be determined when this release date is scheduled?

  • Irena Nikolova


    When is this scheduled for implementation?




  • Raj Jalan

    Hi All,

    Customized list views are finally here:

    Thanks & Regards,

    Raj Jalan

  • Jens Bech Madsen

    Hi Raj

    I don't really see customized columns as being a solution for this feature request. At least for me, the important part is being able to move certain fields from the different tabs to the main view for a device.

    An example is moving the custom fields we have for contact info so it is displayed immediately when we view an asset. Currently we have to select the "Other" tab.

    Personally I would prefer to have all the information in a single page, rather than have the tabs. It is much easier to scroll down than to click a small tab. Scrolling down can be done with the keyboard in several ways and many people have mouses with scroll wheels or even touch screens.

  • Chris Fulp

    I'm not sure I consider this done either.  I was hoping for a way to add/remove/hide existing fields within a device's details page.  On the PDU device pages for instance, I'd like to be able to hide all the fields that aren't relevant to PDU's such as CPU's, RAM, Hard drives, etc.  Or for PO's, it would nice to be able to add fields to the main page, instead of using custom fields behind tabs.

  • Chris Fulp

    Customizable UI templates mapped to device models would be the ideal solution IMO.


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