Revision History
CompletedSomething that would come in handy for companies like us would be a simple revision history so you can view changes made on device properties etc. etc. Reason for this idea is... The auto-discovery feature works great, but we have times where we need to track what device was using a certain IP last and Device42 always has that answer for us since we currently aren't running nightly discoveries. If we started doing nightlies, we would no longer have that helpful info to search and solve the mystery.
Any changes via the API (or GUI) are tracked in the change history log. So, if you click on an IP and click on "History" button(top right), you will see the revision history of that IP. The same info is also available from the Reports > History page. Is that what you are looking for?
Raj0 -
Josh, we have added following 2 more features around revision history to make this easier in v5.7.1:
View Permissions for History or Log Entry
Earlier, only superusers could see the central audit log under Reports > History. We have added this as a permission object in v5.7.1 to make this accessible to more users.
Enabled search for the change message
Now the search box on History page searches in the change message as well.
0 -
Wonderful. Thanks!
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