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Add "Don't Change via api" for key/value pairs



  • Raj Jalan


    "dont change via api" for custom key/value pair, technically should be doable. Infact, we are currently fixing a bug in the API code for custom key value pairs, so might be able to bundle it relatively sooner. (Bug lets you create multiple custom key value pairs if value field is empty for a device. This would be addressed in v322).
    I just want to understand where this would help, so I can explain it to the team. For example, for OS and memory info etc., since those are part of auto-discovery client/scripts and discovered value could be wrong, it makes sense to override those. For custom key/pair values, is it  that you want to make sure some mass updates to multiple devices don't change certain device custom value accidently?
    And do we add this value in api call as well? (obviously if its changeable) Just thinking out loud on this point and get your feedback. We haven't discussed internally yet.
    Raj Jalan.
  • John Alberts

    Hi Raj. We'll be using the custom key/value section to hold information such as:

    1. products installed 
    2. product version 
    3. customer contact 
    4. server contact 
    5. trouble ticket number for creating the server 
    6. etc…

    We want device42 to be our Source of Truth for this information since it has a nice API for reading and writing these values. So, I will be writing a script to set many of these values automatically based on some information on the server. Occasionally, that information is incorrect and will need to be edited by management or less skilled technicians that don't have server access. We would like them to be able to correct the information in the device42 web ui and then select the check box for that key/value pair to say "don't let the api change this". Otherwise, the next time the script runs on the server, the new corrected information in device42 for that server will be overwritten. Obviously, I could add logic to my script to get all of these values from device42 first, then look on the server and make a decision on which value to use, but putting that checkbox in the web ui would be so much easier. :)


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