Device warranty management?
How to deal with device warranties? Via purchases?
Usually you buy device (eg server) with fixed warranty (3, 4, 5 years). And you should know which devices are on warranty and which are not. Nice to have thing is to know how much time you have till the warranty expire and maybe device age.
This can be achieved via contracts or via purchases.
Warranty would generally be covered directly by the manufacturer or sometimes via a third party service provider or vendor.If you are working with a single purchase, use the purchase field for this. You can only choose end date and the vendor (referred as reseller).
If you bought multiple devices from a same vendor and all expire at same time, you can choose contract for that.Either way you can look up who is covering the warranty and get your support contact information along with other device details.
In purchase, you can skip other fields and just enter end date and reseller.
Then in the purchase list view, you can sort by end date and see what is coming up.
This module was just introduced and we are looking for feedback and ideas on how to make it better serve your needs.Similar effect from contract view also. Better reporting and configurable notifications on this are on the road-map.
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