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Ability to update device custom fields through the devices table



  • Fitz

    You can do that today using the "Devices - Create/Update Device Custom Fields" import. It caught me out initially but essentially you need to a Device update and then a custom field update.


  • Bsloan

    Thanks for the info Dom. I know you can bulk update device custom fields by going to tools > import/export (xls) and downloading the xls file, updating it then reimporting it. But users find this quite cumbersome for just a small number of devices. Especially when the file can be very large due to the high number of custom fields we use. The export has ~100,000 rows and it takes users a while to search through the spreadsheet for the device/custom field they want to update. When there's only a dozen or so devices that need updating, this seems like overkill. 

    Under resources > all devices > select an action there's the option to update things like customer, service level and object category. It would be easier for users if they had the option to update device custom fields here as well. 

  • Fitz

    Ah yes. I totally get you. There seems to be some really good things you can do at that action level and then some obvious omissions. I agree I'd like to see the ability to update customer fields as this can never get populated during discovery.

  • Salah Jaber

    Hi Bsloan,

    Thank you for the valuable feedback. We will get back to you once we review it in the coming weeks. If you have time for a quick call to discuss this further, please let me know, and I will schedule something; we can cover this item and any others you might have.


    Salah Jaber

    Director Product Management


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