Add VLAN logic domain support
I've several datacentre and for each datacentre, VLANs are logically grouped.
Duplication of VLAN IDs can exist between datacentres.
For example in D42 VLAN id 1000 will be considered the SAME between all IDCs.
IPAM softwares like phpIPAM and other have the concept of "domain" for VLANs, so there can be multiple VLANs but pertaining to separate domains.
Feature request
I suggest to add a domain field to specify if a VLAN pertains to a particular domain. A value of NULL in that field represet the current functionality of D42, otherwise one can name a domain with a string of his choice.
Even autodiscovery should be configurable to categorize VLANs found to be of a particular domain by default. If nothing is configured the domain field will be assigned the NULL value.
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