PaaS units are the resources coming up from the Cloud discoveries (RDS, EBS and S3 from AWS, SQL server from Azure and so on), they are exist under
Resources -> All Resources
and they will be counted for the license by design.
To know what are the PaaS resources discovered on Device42 and counted for the license, you can use this DOQL query
select lic.licensing_pk, lic.module,lic.lu_cost,lic.lu_allocated_date,lic.device_fk, r.*,,dev.type,dev.virtualsubtype,dev.physicalsubtype, dev.os_name
from view_licensing_v2 lic
left join view_resource_v2 r on lic.resource_fk = r.resource_pk
Left Join view_device_v2 dev On lic.device_fk = dev.device_pk
where module = 'core' and resource_fk is not null and lu_cost = 1
To run the query please use the following URL:
Replacing the D42_IP with your appliance IP or DNS, and use “,” as column separator
If you need to free up some license space you can delete them from the UI, or via API -!/Auto-Discovery/deleteCloud_resource
delete them with their related objects -!/Auto-Discovery/deleteResource_relationship
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