Update Overview
Release date: July 29, 2021
As part of our continuing effort to enhance the Device42 user experience, v17.04.01 includes user interface improvements on our Devices list pages and Business Applications canvas; v17.04.01 also includes multiple bug fixes.
Devices List Page Preview with Column Order Options
- Device42 v 17.04.01 includes a Preview feature that now lets customers rearrange the order of the columns displayed on the Devices list pages and save the column arrangement. Click the gear icon next to the list drop-down and then drag a column you want to move to a new position.
- You can then save the new column order, or enter a name for the view and Save As New, and also save it as either the System Default or User Default view.
- Contact to enable this Preview feature.
Business Applications Canvas Improvements
Pop-up information boxes displayed when you click on an object on the Business Applications canvas are now positioned to be completely visible on the canvas. Error messages and tooltips now also appear at the top of the canvas.
Main Menu All Devices Preview
The v17.04.01 Device42 main menu includes a Preview option for a new All Devices list page. Device42 will soon migrate to our new list page architecture for devices. As such, we are consolidating all the various old device list pages into one single high-powered list page that comes packaged with all the features present in the old version and a few more awesome features like advanced search. In this release, we are exposing the Preview to everyone, and in v17.05.00, we will complete the conversion. All device list pages references will then forward to the new architecture. We will temporarily still allow you to visit the legacy page for one additional release before we completely remove the legacy pages in v17.06.00. Enjoy!
Additional SNMP Autodiscovery Device Support
SNMP autodiscovery now supports discovery of the following devices:
- Kemp Load Balancer
- HP 2530-24G-PoEP network device
- Cisco Catalyst 3750G
Bug Fixes
- An issue in v17.04.00 in which the Select All command and Actions bulk commands on the Preview All Devices list page select and act on all devices regardless of any filters applied to limit the list to specific devices (although the page does display the filtered device list correctly) has been resolved.
- An issue in which storage array autodiscovery jobs were sometimes displaying passwords as plain text in log files and run reports has been resolved.
- An issue in which attempting to save more than one Contact with the same Contact Type sometimes generated an error has been resolved.
- An issue in which users (when RBAC is enabled) could sometimes not see rooms or racks on device settings pages has been resolved.
- An issue in which sorting Audit Logs > History by date was sometimes not working correctly has been resolved.
- An issue in which SNMP autodiscovery sometimes failed for SiverPeak devices has been resolved.
- An issue in which agent-based off-line discovery was sometimes not working correctly in v17.03.00 has been resolved.
- An issue in which device URLs were sometimes not being updated correctly via device API calls has been resolved.
- An issue in which building information for existing PDUs was sometimes not mapped correctly has been resolved.
- An issue in which some customers experienced CPU performance issues running v17.02.00 has been resolved.
- An issue in which Telco circuit API parameters were sometimes not correctly filtering GET calls has been resolved.
- An issue in which Google Cloud Platform autodiscovery jobs sometimes displayed a Task is Running state even after the job had completed has been resolved.
- An issue in which the srvctl command for sudo for Oracle RAC discovery was sometimes not being formatted correctly has been resolved.
- An issue in which DOQL queries run by non-super users were sometimes taking too long to complete successfully has been resolved.
- An issue in which the limit parameter was not available for end-user API GET calls has been resolved.
- An issue in which loading the main appliance home page as a non-super user when RBAC is enabled was unacceptably slow has been resolved.
- An issue in which LXC containers were discovered as physical devices rather than virtual devices has been resolved.
- An issue in which adding a large URL port range (e.g., greater than 32000) to devices was not working correctly has been resolved.
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