Cloud Recommendation Engine Improvements
- Device42 now includes Global Cloud Recommendation Engine Settings you can use to select options for your CRE reports and also schedule a daily sync to populate the CRE data used by the new DOQL view_credata_v2 (see below). Select Tools > Settings > Global Settings to view the CRE settings.
- Any settings you select and save on the Global Settings page update the Reports > Cloud Recommendation Engine page. You can also still use this page to make changes to and run your CRE reports.
- CRE data is available through the DOQL query view_credata_v2. The data for this view is what is populated when you schedule a daily sync. The data provided by the DOQL view is the same type of information contained in the report Excel file.
Additional MS Azure Discovery Cloud Definitions
Device42 has added two additional Cloud Definition selections – China and US Gov. – to the drop-down you use to create or edit an MS Azure cloud discovery job.
Affinity Group DOQL View Additions
Device42 has added more variations of out-of-the-box Saved DOQLs to the standard affinity groups processing data source. Users can now select from a variety of queries to better target what they are looking for.
Normalized DOQL Views for Application Component Data
Device42 now includes new normalized DOQL views for Application Component data.
- Database application component views
- view_appcomp_db_products_v1
- view_appcomp_db_data_paths_v1
- view_appcomp_db_instances_v1
- view_appcomp_db_protocols_v1
- Webserver application component views
- view_appcomp_web_bindings_v1
- view_appcomp_web_sites_db_conn_v1
- view_appcomp_web_sites_v1
- view_appcomp_web_virtual_dir_v1
- view_appcompwebapps_v1
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