Question: What are the differences in Device Matching Levels?
Answer: Device42 supports three different matching models. Classic, Moderate, and Conservative.
With Classic matching, Device42 will check against serial number, UUID and name, in that order, to verify if a discovered device is an existing device to update or a new device to create.
Moderate and Conservative device matching in Device42 behaves drastically differently and instead uses various device attributes weighted by significance to come up with a “score” to determine potential matches with devices already in Device42. These attributes include name, serial number, UUID, IP & MAC addresses, and several other (10+) data points. A device is ultimately identified as a match when the calculated “Match Score” is equal to or greater than the selected ‘matching aggressiveness’ setting:
- Conservative = 30 points
- Moderate = 20 points
Overall the advanced matching model helps mitigate the possibility of false positives and increases the intelligence of automatic matching, but can result in unmatched devices when score results are too low. Should one or more auto-discovered devices not be matched with a high degree of certainty, they are flagged ‘unmatched devices’ and can be found on the “Unprocessed Device Record” page. Matching aggressiveness is furthermore tunable to ensure best performance in a given environment, no matter the present state of organization or the naming / deployment conventions in use.
If you choose to use advanced matching, most users will select “Moderate” (the default) matching aggressiveness level, however, should you be operating Device42 in an unknown environment, or would simply prefer Device42 to match less aggressively, choose the “Conservative” matching setting.
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