Every object in Device42 has an associated History (Audit Logs) that can be viewed from the object page. The steps below will use a device as an example, but the same steps can be used for other objects such as Subnets, IP Addresses, and Software.
Open the device page and click on the History (Audit Logs) button on the top right:
You will see actions that are sorted by the most recent date. An example of a physical device history is below:
The User column will display whether the object was added/updated by an administrator or from a Device42 task. In the above example there are edits from Auto Clean Rules (ProcessAutoClean), users (admin), and an autodiscovery job (Queued Task).
The next column will display the object type, the object name, and the fields that were changed. You can view whether the change was an update or an insert and where the change came from. This is useful to identify if the changes on a device were from an autodiscovery job, an API update, a user within the UI, or another source.
If you would like to view what exact discovery job created or changed the device then you can click on the date link. In the example screenshot we have opened the Feb 15 action which is a queued task that created the device:
Some of the fields are similar to the previous page but we now see an additional field "D42 URL". This link can be opened to be taken directly to the job that created the device. This can be useful to troubleshoot issues such as a device name changing or multiple IP addresses being assigned to a single device.
The URL for the job can be opened to view which job was the one that made the change to the name. This will bring you to the appropriate place to adjust job properties or identify a failing job.
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