When we need to check the changes or modifications done for any object on Device42 (Devices, Assets etc) we can use the API call or generate a report to accomplish this.
API call
We can execute the following call to get this information:
curl -u 'user:password' https://D42_IP_Address/api/1.0/auditlogs/ --insecure
The supported parameters are:
- object_id: Filters by object ID (ie, device ID, asset ID)
- content_type: Returns changes done to a particular content type
- action_time_gt: Filters actions that have happened past the time entered (ie, greater than 2 weeks) in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:ss.uuuuuu (ie 2016-10-27T13:52:01.213416)
- action_time_lt: Returns actions within the last X amount of days in YYYY-MM DDTHH:MM:ss.uuuuuu (ie 2016-10-27T13:52:01.213416)
Legacy Report
To create such report we need to go to Reports > Classic Reports
then click Add Report > Audit Log
There are multiple filtering options which can be used to specify the object type, name etc for which we need to get the history log information, as an example:
Object contains: can be used to put the object name.
Action Date/Time: can be used to get more specific changes between some time period
and so on.
After selecting the required filters, under the History (Audit Log) columns: section we need to choose the required fields which intended to be displayed on the report.
We can sort the output using the Sort order: section and the fields listed under it.
At the end we can specify a report name, schedule it if required to be sent to multiple emails, save it as Excel or CSV file and even display the result on the screen.
For more information about the Legacy Reports you can refer to this link:
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