We are excited to announce the general availability of Device42 v15.08.02 with the following changes:
Ellipse button menu
- This release includes UI enhancements that improve the handling of long objects names in the UI. In prior versions, long names could often be covered by the action buttons on the edit and view screens, which could overlap the CI name.
- Two main UI enhancements minimize the possibility of action button(s) interfering with long CI names:
- Reduce the space required for the action buttons, we have reduced the space taken by the action buttons by limiting space for up to 2 buttons
- Added an “ellipse” (…) button, which neatly holds the remaining actions
- The UI enhancements in v15.08.02 allow much longer CI names to be displayed in full and are much less likely to interfere with the action buttons.
Subnet usage tree
- Continuing with the theme of visual improvement, visuals on the “Subnet Usage Tree” popup were also enhanced. You can find the new Subnet Usage Tree in the Device42 main menu under Network>Subnet Tree. The popup can be viewed anytime while adding new subnets. Simply select the “Subnet Usage Tree” button:
Bug fixes
- Links present in some import/export sample files could result in a file not found error. Fixed.
- SNMP discovery was not importing Hitachi blade chassis properly. Fixed.
- The API endpoint /api/1.0/devices/name/<device-name>/ did not allow commas as part of device names. Fixed.
- Hypervisor/*nix/Windows discovery logs link and edit button not visible in Internet Explorer. Fixed.
- Alerts may fail to send when using multiline email addresses. Fixed.
Link to our blog - https://www.device42.com/blog/2018/08/ui-enhancements-in-v15-08-02/
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