We are excited to announce general availability of Device42 v15.02.00 with the following changes:
Discovery Job Wizard
- We have made creation of Auto-Discovery jobs even simpler with the addition of a wizard that allows you create multiple jobs at once without the need to navigate multiple screens and toggle all the customizable options available for each discovery type.
- You can find the new Wizard in Discovery > Simple Discovery Wizard and from this screen you can provide basic template settings, and then specify all the jobs you want created along with any override for each. For the template section, you can provide a template for the Task Name, which Remote Collector (RC) to use, Customer Name, Object Category and basic Scheduling parameters. Then you can add as many tasks you want for each Auto-Discovery type and provide overrides only for those fields that differ from the template section.
License Key for Windows Discovery
- We have enhanced Windows Auto-Discovery to lookup Windows License Keys and display them in Device42. License key support is currently available for the following operating systems, Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 and 2016. License Key information can be viewed for each device in OS section of the Device page. You can also manually enter a license key which will prevail over the discovered value. In addition, DOQL support for License Key has been added by providing the column discovered_license_key in views view_device_v1 and view_deviceos_v1.
Network Drives in Windows Discovery
- We have also expanded our Windows Auto-Discovery to lookup network drives for each Windows device. Network drives are represented as Mount Points in the D42 Device page.
API Changes
- API endpoint /api/1.0/device/mountpoints/<id>/ now supports DELETE verb to remove a mount point from Device42.
- API endpoint /api/1.0/vrf_group/ now returns all tags associate with a VRF Group. In addition, you can also specify both tags and tags_remove in the POST call to add or remove tags from a specific VRF Group.
Device Runbook Report
- We added a Device Runbook report to our Advanced Reporting so that you can quickly filter by a particular device and return its Device Details, IP Addresses, Mount Points, Service Details and Software in Use. You can access the Device Runbook report in Reports > Advanced Reporting
We have added SNMP Auto-discovery support for the following devices
- Cisco IP phones
- Cisco Unified Communication Nodes
- Lexmark Printers
- NetScaler devices
- HP 3PAR storage devices
- Stacked Cisco Catalyst 9300 Switches
- Meinberg Devices
Netflow Performance Improvements
- We are continuing to improve Netflow processing to handle larger volumes of netflow data. In this release we have optimized the streaming of data sent to D42 main appliance so that we can match data quicker and clear unmatched data faster.
Bug Fixes
- Unable to navigate to storage device from room view. Fixed.
- SNMP discovery was not correctly associating remote port for LLDP. Fixed.
- Discovery options not applicable to *NIX VM discoveries were visible. Fixed.
- Database restore was reporting success after out of disk space failure. Fixed
- Auto-restore fails when creating backups without metadata. Fixed.
- Backup could fail when including SSH keys. Fixed.
- *NIX Auto-Discovery may fail if using special characters in SSH password. Fixed.
- Serial number not discovered for Cisco Brocade blade switches during SNMP Auto-Discovery. Fixed.
Link to our blog - https://www.device42.com/blog/2018/05/discovery-wizard-and-os-license-keys-discovery-with-v15-02-00/
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