We are excited to announce general availability of Device42 v14.10.0 with the following changes:
Enhanced ASA discoveries: virtual contexts via SSH
- 10.0 adds enhanced ASA discovery via SSH. Device42 now augments your Firewall / ASA discoveries with information gathered via SSH. If you run virtual firewall instances, Device42 will now discover your virtual firewalls, and will list them as firewall “contexts” underneath the parent firewall.
Azure Service Principal Authentication
- We have added the ability to specify Authentication type for Microsoft Azure Auto-Discovery jobs. Utilizing this new functionality, you may now specify to use Service Principal as the authentication type for connecting to Azure. Note that when selecting Service Principal, you will need to enter Client ID and Client Secret rather than Username and Password. Azure Auto-Discovery can be found in TOOLS>Auto-Discovery>Cloud.
Device Software List
- We have added the button All Software for this device to the device profile page in the Software tab so that you can quickly view and query all software on a device. Clicking this button redirects you to the Software in Use page with the proper By Device filter pre-set.
Server ranges for ACI/UCS/F5 Autodiscovery
- We have added the ability to provide server ranges and CIDR blocks for ACI/UCS/F5 Autodiscovery. ACI/UCS/F5 discoveries can be found in TOOLS>Auto-Discovery>ACI/UCS/F5 API Manager.
DOQL JSON support
- We have added support for returning data from DOQL service in JSON format. To utilize JSON, set the output_type query parameter to JSON. e.g:
curl -k -s -X POST -d 'output_type=json&query=select * from view_device_v1' -u 'admin:adm!nd42' 'http://server/services/data/v1.0/query/'
Subnet API VLAN number filter support
- We have added parent_vlan_number filter support to Subnets API. e.g:
curl -k -s -X POST -d 'parent_vlan_number=<ID>' -u 'admin:adm!nd42' 'http://server/api/1.0/subnets/'
Bug Fixes
- Installation of Windows Discovery Service could fail. Fixed.
- Hardware API could fail if providing part_no filter. Fixed.
- Application component error might occur if configuration data is larger than 1 mb. Fixed.
- Auto-discovery could fail for some devices if UUID and serial can’t be discovered. Fixed.
- Auto-discovery not discovering SVI IPs on Cisco Nexus 5548.
- Windows Auto-discovery API was defaulting to ‘Ignore host OS info’.
- Dell warranty discovery could fail with JSONDecodeError.
- PDU serial number was being removed after a daisy chained PDU was added to rack.
Link to our blog: https://www.device42.com/blog/2018/02/json-output-for-doql-experimental-support-for-asa-via-ssh-in-v14-10-0/
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