Advancing Discovery Capabilities: Enrichment of Software, AutoMox, Enhanced JAMF, Pure Storage, WinRM v19.03 MA
Release Date: September 19, 2024
Release Overview
The 19.03 MA release contains the main features:
- Software Enrichment from EnrichAI – Technology Preview
During discovery software components are retrieved. Now these software components are being enriched with additional data, such as categorization, description and important dates such as Release Date and End Of Support Dates. This is done through the EnrichAI capability, providing additional information beyond the discovered data from the Device42 software asset catalog. This catalog will continuously grow. If a software record is enriched, it will have the AI Icon next to the software name. In addition, it will have a section for Enriched Data where information from the Software Catalog will be displayed.
- AutoMox Discovery
A new Cloud Autodiscovery type has been added for Automox. Discovered data includes device details along with IP/Mac addresses and installed software/Applications.
- VMware AirWatch/Workspace ONE OEM now a cloud discovery platform
VMware AirWatch, recently rebranded to Workspace One OEM has been added as a new job type under Cloud Discovery. This discovery was previously possible using an external Python script available on GitHub, but has now been brought into the product as a native discovery job. Discovered data includes device details along with IP/Mac addresses and installed software/Applications.
- Enhanced JAMF Discovery with extended properties around Mobile Devices and Computers
The JAMF default integration has been expanded to include more fields for the Jamf class of Computer and Mobile Device. Fields such as Hardware Vendor, Purchase Date, Warranty Expiry Date, Cost, OS Service Pack, Asset Number, Mobile Serial Number are now collected in addition to previously discovered fields.
- WinRM through WDS
It is now possible to use a WDS for both WMI based and WinRM based Windows discovery. On the discovery job page, a new checkbox for “Discover Using WinRM” has been added and the option “WinRM through WDS.” New fields for API usage of WinRM have been added. In addition, Generic import/export has been enhanced to allow the usage of WinRM through the WDS.
- Firmware discovery for HPE OneView
HPE OneView discovery will now show BIOS information. Version, Release Date, and Firmware Revision are now populated through the HPE OneView API.
- Token Authentication for Pure Storage and Purity Flashblade
Pure Storage allows for both Token and Username/password authentication. However, for Pure Storage storage arrays utilizing the Purity API versions 2.0 or 2.1, the only authentication method available is to utilize OAuth2.
To accommodate the token authentication for both Pure Storage and Purity Flashblade, a new option has been added to allow token authentication when defining a discovery. This token authentication can be enabled using the Token Authentication checkbox in the Discovery Target Credentials section.
Additional Features of 19.03 MA
- Global SNMP discovery setting to ignore OIDs
Often SNMP discoveries can have a long duration due to the system querying a large amount of data related to specific SNMP OIDs. Some of the data points discovered may not be of interest to some users and others may prefer to skip the collection of said data entirely. It is now possible to ignore specific OIDs from discovery by adding the OID in dot notation to a global list. Entries in the “Ignore OIDs” list will be skipped during discovery, which can, in some cases, greatly decrease the duration required to complete a SNMP discovery job. In addition to the OID in dot format, it is also possible to add comments to each line using the # symbol. In this example, 2 OIDs have been added to the ignore list along with a comment for each.
- Disable parts creation for SNMP discovery
Due to differences between Windows/*Nix and SNMP discovery, there can be challenges when it comes to reconciling part information between both discoveries. As a result, some users may prefer to only have part information populated from Windows/*Nix discovery but may still want to discover the device via SNMP as well. For this reason, SNMP jobs have been updated to support the job parameter “Discover Parts”. This option works similarly to the “Discover Parts” parameter for Windows/*nix discovery (i.e., when enabled in a SNMP job, parts will be discovered as usual, and when disabled, parts will no longer be discovered).
- Ignore cloud instance metadata link-local IP address is a link-local IP address used in AWS, Azure, and GCP to access instance metadata from within a virtual machine. Today, our Windows/*Nix discovery attempts to retrieve instance metadata using this IP. As a result, discovery may inadvertently capture this IP as a part of the communication data collected. For this reason, discovery has been revised to ignore service communication where is the listener IP address.
- SID discovery for AD/LDAP and addition of SID to LastLogin views
AD/LDAP discovery will now also include the retrieval of users’ SIDs when syncing AD users as end users. In addition, the SID is now also collected during Windows discovery when the “Discover Last Login” option is enabled in the job and can be found in view_devicelastlogin_v1.
- VMware AirWatch/Workspace ONE OEM now a cloud discovery platform
VMware AirWatch, recently rebranded to Workspace One OEM has been added as a new job type under Cloud Discovery. This discovery was previously possible using an external Python script available on GitHub, but has now been brought into the product as a native discovery job. Discovered data includes device details along with IP/Mac addresses and installed software/Applications.
- GCP Cloud Discovery will connect the VPC network to the cloud account.
This can be seen in the VPC (VRF Groups) table with the associated Cloud Account ID.
- SNMP Support for Array APV 1600
Array APV 1600 now can be discovered using SNMP. The discovery of the load balancer will create the physical device record with the virtual servers.
Bug Fixes and other minor changes
- Database version information now available in Insights+ Database Instance dashboard as well as within the Advanced Reporting report.
- It is now possible to navigate to the software in user from the Device display and the software Components list.
- Subnet/vlan relations are discoverable and denoted with “Vlan <identifier>” in the list of vlan names.
- Menu change for InsightsAI, formerly displayed as “Ask DoQL AI” under the Analytics menu.
- New columns added to view_rack_v1 table to include the row and column sizes as space_rows and space_cols
- Added a default exclusion rule to ignore traffic to
- DNS Zone discovery would miss dns zones of TXT type
- SNMP Power RU fails during discovery
- Last boot time on Linux was incorrectly getting reported
- SNMP discovery can be used to find Cisco video device Name, OS, Serial # and hardware.
- UCS Discovery for some version would not show connectivity information
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