Follow these steps to upgrade your Device42 main appliance via the UI (using appliance manager):
1. Perform a backup
a) Head over to http://your-device42-IP-or-FQDN:4343 and take a backup before doing the upgrade. If you want to include users and settings, check "Backup Meta Data" as well; otherwise, leave the default.
Optionally, you can (also) take a virtual machine snapshot from your virtualization platform.
The default username and password for the Appliance manager is [ d42admin / default ] if they were not already changed; Please, however, ensure you change these to your own secure credentials!
2. Download and apply the update file.
a) To download the update file, head Tools > Update, or browse to
b) Once you've downloaded the update file, head back to the appliance manager. You can reach appliance manager via the link in the main Device42 UI under Tools > Update.
c) Select "Application" from the left-side menu in appliance manager, and then "Update Software":
c) Browse to the update (.enc) file you downloaded, and select "Upload". You should see the following message:
3. Login to the console to apply the update
You can login to console one of 2 ways:
1. Go to the VM console from your virtual platform.
2. Or, ssh to port 404 on D42 IP. (or port 442 on power appliance)
For AWS deployments you won't have access to a VM console, you'll need to SSH and the menu below will come up in your SSH session. SSH as the device42 user:
WEB UI - u: admin p: AWS_INSTANCE_ID
APP MGR - u: d42admin p: AWS_INSTANCE_ID
MAIN APP SSH: u: device42 p: AWS-KEYFILE
AWS Default PORTS:
404 ssh, 4242 appmgr-http, 4343 appmgr-https, 443 https
The default credentials for the Device42 appliance console are:
Username: device42
Password: adm!nd42
You can (and should!) change the default console credentials via option 10.
Apply the update.
Choose option 3 from console. Press y when asked and then any key to reboot as shown below.
After applying the update, the VM will be rebooted automatically.
4. Clear your browser cache.
This is a must - To ensure you are not using a cached UI, clear your browser history. This will ensure that the Device42 web portal works correctly!
5. You're done! Verify the update via Tools -> Update
You're all set! Confirm the new, updated version of Device42 from Tools menu > Update:
6. Note that updates to the Device42 main appliance (D42 MA) include updates for any Remote Collectors (RCs) and or WDS service instance you may have deployed. Where applicable, Operating System (OS) updates for the underlying (CentOS) Linux-based operating system(s) are included, all of which are applied automatically!
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