Version: 6.4.1
- Extended IP and Subnet search and API enhancements in v6.4.1
- Extended IP and subnet search (global)
- IP as popup on device edit page
- Auto-Discovery list pages enhancements
- Auto-Discovery menu changes
- PDU Model list page changes
- Rack changes
- Changes to reports
- IE Compatibility mode issues
- Added "change to not in service" to lifecycle event actions
- Lifecycle notes and events added to global search
- API Changes
Bug Fixes
- AD/LDAP sync now support international character set for group names.
- End user sync for LDAP was failing. Now fixed.
- Azure VM was being saved as type Digital ocean VM, now fixed
- Certain network devices were being auto-discovered as Chassis. Now fixed.
- Date field in reports was not being saved correctly. Now fixed.
- Physical connections rack layout was not showing if pdu model was missing. Now fixed.
- Custom field validation for mandatory custom fields was broken in previous release. Now fixed.
- Patch panel back connectivity page had a layout issue where the error message hid the port number field. Now fixed.
- Actions drop down was missing for IP NAT. Added in this release.
- Search fields for transfers was missing on the transfers list page. Now added.
- Added port_name and switch to mac address reimportable export.
- Fixed Tag filter (None).
- Device GET by name API call was failing if name had a space in it. Now fixed.
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