v5.0.2 brings following changes to device42. This release also gets us ready to launch power monitoring and control modules. Here is a quick summary of changes. We will be following up with series of blog posts to discuss these in more detail.
Main additions/changes
- Room layout is more flexible with option to rotate rack 90 degrees and configure smaller rooms.
- Addition of network/fiber TAPs as device type other.
- Addition of object labels per patch panel ports. You can now label individual strands with this label. (With this we have merged the module name field in the name and hidden the cable color field)
- Ability to relocate groups of IPs to another subnet.
- Introduction of Vendor alias and action item to merge vendor names.
- Similarly, we have added hardware aliases and hardware merge now merges the old hardware name as an alias.
- Pre-defined hardware sheet available to import under Tools > Import.
- DNS Zones and Records get a complete makeover: All old DNS records in device42 will be deleted and new ones will be created with new sync. Instead of multiple record types, there is now a single record table with type.
- An api call to add subnetted subnet for a subnet (/api/1.0/subnets/create_child/ => needs mask_bits, parent_subnet_id)
- Added service level and type for subnet.
Cosmetic changes
- DNS count has been taken out from the dashboard and replaced with VRF group and switches count.
- View page and edit page of each object shows the object name in title and in the heading.
- Loading of device name on password list page is deferred for faster page load.
- The hardware filter list on device list pages will only show only the related hardware models. So any hardware models that have no reference to that device type will not take the extra real estate any more.
- Patch panel display get better hover over and better follow the path algorithm for multi-hop connections.
Get the latest device42 software
Update file is available at: http://www.device42.com/update/.
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