Custom Insights+ Dashboards and Charts, New Discovery Hub Network Scan, and more in v18.07.00 Release
Release Date: May 8, 2023
Release Overview
As part of our effort to provide you with additional ways to view your IT environment, Device42 v18.07.00 now lets you create your own Insights+ dashboards and charts to focus on the aspects of your infrastructure that matter to you the most. We have also introduced the new Discovery Hub feature that allows you to quickly establish an environmental baseline using IPs, IP ranges or CIDR blocks.This will discover basic information about your network environment, which you can then use for further discovery and data capture.
Create Your Own Insights+ Dashboards and Charts
With Device42 v18.07.00, you can now create your own Insights+ dashboards, charts, and datasets. You can start from scratch with a dataset, or you can clone an existing system dashboard or chart and modify them to suit your own needs. Click the plus sign at the top of the left Insights+ panel to get started or open a dashboard or chart and click Clone at the top right to clone existing items.
New! Discovery Hub
Device42 v18.07.00 includes a new discovery option called Discovery Hub that can help you establish baseline discovery information that you can build upon with subsequent discovery jobs and information you add or edit in Device42. Select Discovery Hub from the Discovery menu to get started.
Discovery Hub starts with IPs, IP ranges, or CIDR blocks to run a network scan.
The Discovery Hub scan then groups discovered IP items into six categories: Windows, Linux, Network Devices, Hypervisors, Other/Unknown, and Unreachable. You can then use the discovered IPs as targets for other types of discovery jobs to collect different and more detailed information about your environment.
We have also added four new DOQL views to support querying Discovery Hub data:
- view_discoveryhub_v2
- view_discoveryhubjob_v2
- view_discoveryhubscanresult_v2
- view_discoveryhubscanscore_v2
Limiting Concurrent Remote Agent Updates
If you use multiple Remote Discovery Agents in your environment, you can now use the Main Appliance to limit how many of the agents can auto-update at the same time to avoid system bottlenecks or interruptions. The default limit for concurrent agent auto-updates is 16.
Adding Duplicate Certificates with Different Expiration Dates
You can now add certificates through the Main Appliance UI that have the same name or subject as long as the certificate expiration date is different for each certificate.
AWS S3 Bucket Size Discovery
Device42 discovery for AWS S3 buckets now returns the Used Storage size (MB or GB) for discovered buckets.
Azure Cosmos Database Discovery
As of v18.07.00, Device42 can discover Azure Cosmos databases. The credentials you use to create your Azure discovery job should also have read permissions for your Cosmos databases to return their data to Device42. Be sure to select Databases in the Advanced Features tab when you create your Azure discovery job.
Discovered AWS EBS Volumes Linked to Device or Resource Parts
Discovered AWS EBS volumes are now linked and displayed as parts for devices and resources.
Rack Layout Export Image Resizing
Image files you export from the Rack layout view pages are now automatically resized to make them more compatible with external systems. Device42 tries to resize image files larger than 10MB.
Kernel Packages Update
Device42 has updated the kernel packages for both the Main Appliance and Remote Collector to the latest version.
Device42 Performance Improvements
Device42 v18.07.00 includes the following preformance improvements to increase product usability:
- Improved service port ingestion performance for larger payloads to reduce deadlocks. In our internal tests, this reduced the processing time for large service port payloads (over 1 MB) by over 80%.
- Improved SNMP ingestion performance for payloads with multiple ports or VLANs. In our internal tests, we reduced the processing time of over 950 records (averaging 21KB) by over 75%.
- Optimized the DOQL view for Discovery Scores (view_discoveryscores_v1). In our internal tests, the time to view data on the Analytics > Discovery Scores page was reduced by as much as 75%.
List Pages Conversion
Device42 continues to update its various list pages to our new format to improve their appearance and usability. Two recent examples are the VPC (VRF Group) and the Subnet Categories list pages.
Bug Fixes
- Certificate discovery data was returning invalid Days to Expiry data.
- Main appliance auto restore process was not working correctly.
- Discovery archive log files had incorrect line formatting.
- Downloading log bundles was not working correctly and generating large files.
- Moving rack positions while editing racks was not working correctly.
- Allow multiple cable endpoints option is missing from non-US cable add and edit views.
- Port names shown in the rack layout view sometimes did not match the actual port names.
- Users unable to rename a Telco Circuit via the API or import/export process.
- Search filters for preferred credentials were sometimes not working correctly for user names containing slash characters.
- Oracle database discovery jobs sometimes did not return all discovered connection strings.
- Modifying an Auto Clean rule search criteria sometimes generates an error.
- Deleting a Business Application related to an Application Component was not working correctly.
- Uploading a certificate file through the Appliance Manager was not working correctly.
- Links to View All Services on device view pages were not working correctly.
- VMware discovery did not correctly return host/cluster relationships when a host had been moved to a new cluster..
- The IP address view page was sometimes not correctly showing subnet IP addresses.
- Business App element CSV bulk upload was not working correctly.
- Isilon storage array discovery was sometimes not returning discovered devices as separate resources.
- SNMP discovery was sometimes not correctly returning Fortios OS version information.
- SNMP discovery of Huawei OceanStor 550 devices returned only limited device information.
- SNMP discovery of Vertiv devices was not working and generating a discovery exception.
- Adding an API client record was sometimes failing.
- Azure OS version numbers were sometimes not correctly discovered.
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