By current design and license models, each and every type of devices (physical, virtual, unknown, blade etc), regardless to their status if they are in service, powered OFF/ON, with IP address or without will be counted for the license, one license per one device.
IP addresses count per device, let say if you have more than one IP associated with a device, will not affect this count, it will be one license per device.
Containers, will counted with the measurement unit 0.10, which means each ten containers will be a single license.
Archived devices will be counted one license per 100 archived devices, those can be found under
Analytics -> Audit Logs -> Archived Objects
And there are also PaaS resources which can be discovered from Cloud discovery jobs, such as
RDS, EBS and S3 from AWS, SQL server from Azure and so on, those also will be counted for the license, one license per each item.
These resources are exist under
Resources -> All Resources
We always recommend to have an auto clean rules for those devices which are not updated for a long period of time, or they are not in service to be deleted from the system and not counted for the license
Please take into consideration that the auto clean rule will delete any device which is not updated for a certain amount of days defined on the auto clean rule, which means this may affect devices added manually or some devices where the discovery jobs failed for them, please take that into consideration.
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