""" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ ################################################################ # The script goes through the yaml fact files created by facter # and populates device42 database with following info: #device name, manufacturer, hardware model, serial #, os info, memory, cpucount and cpucores info # IP address, interface name and mac address. # Script tested with python 2.4 ################################################################ import types import os.path import urllib import urllib2 import traceback import base64 import sys import glob import math #Device42 URL and credentials BASE_URL='https://your-device42-url' #Please make sure there is no / in the end API_DEVICE_URL=BASE_URL+'/api/device/' API_IP_URL =BASE_URL+'/api/ip/' USER ='your-user-name' PASSWORD='your-password-here' DRY_RUN = False # puppet config dir puppetdir="/var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/yaml/node/" #Change to reflect node directory with yaml fact files. def post(url, params): """http post with basic-auth params is dict like object""" try: data= urllib.urlencode(params) # convert to ascii chars headers = { 'Authorization' : 'Basic '+ base64.b64encode(USER + ':' + PASSWORD), 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } if DRY_RUN: print url, headers, data else: req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers) print '---REQUEST---',req.get_full_url() print req.headers print req.data response = urllib2.urlopen(req) print '---RESPONSE---' print response.read() except Exception, Err: print '-----EXCEPTION OCCURED-----' print str(Err) def to_ascii(s): """remove non-ascii characters""" if type(s) == types.StringType: return s.encode('ascii','ignore') else: return str(s) def closest_memory_assumption(v): if v < 512: v = 128 * math.ceil(v / 128.0) elif v < 1024: v = 256 * math.ceil(v / 256.0) elif v < 4096: v = 512 * math.ceil(v / 512.0) elif v < 8192: v = 1024 * math.ceil(v / 1024.0) else: v = 2048 * math.ceil(v / 2048.0) return int(v) for infile in glob.glob( os.path.join(puppetdir, '*yaml') ): d = {} f = open(infile) print "---Going through fact file: %s" % infile for line in f: if "--" not in line: line = line.strip().replace('"','') try: key, val = line.split(':',1) d[key] = val.strip() except: pass f.close() device_name = to_ascii(d['clientcert']) #using clientcert as the nodename here, you can change it to your liking. os = to_ascii(d.get('operatingsystem', None)) osver = to_ascii(d.get('operatingsystemrelease', None)) device = { 'name' : device_name,} if os is not None: device.update({'os' : os,}) if osver is not None: device.update({'osverno' :osver,}) manufacturer = to_ascii(d.get('manufacturer', None)).strip() if manufacturer is not None: for mftr in ['VMware, Inc.', 'Bochs', 'KVM', 'QEMU', 'Microsoft Corporation', 'Xen']: if mftr == manufacturer: manufacturer = 'virtual' device.update({ 'manufacturer' : 'vmware', }) break if manufacturer != 'virtual': hw = to_ascii(d.get('productname', None)) sn = to_ascii(d.get('serialnumber', None)) if hw is not None: device.update({ 'manufacturer' : manufacturer, 'hardware' : hw, }) if sn is not None: device.update({ 'serial_no' : sn, }) mem_b = d.get('memorysize',None).split(' ')[1] if mem_b is not None: if mem_b == 'MB': memory = closest_memory_assumption(int(float(d['memorysize'].split(' ')[0]))) else: memory = closest_memory_assumption(int(float(d['memorysize'].split(' ')[0])*1024)) device.update({'memory': memory,}) cpucount = int(d.get('physicalprocessorcount', None)) if cpucount is not None: if cpucount == 0: cpucount = 1 cpucore = int(d.get('processorcount', None)) device.update({ 'cpucount': cpucount, 'cpucore': cpucore, }) post(API_DEVICE_URL, device) interfaces = d.get('interfaces',None).split(',') if interfaces is not None: for interface in interfaces: if not 'loopback' in interface.lower(): ipkey = 'ipaddress'+'_'+interface.replace(' ','').lower() mackey = 'macaddress'+'_'+interface.replace(' ','').lower() try: macaddress = d[mackey] except: macaddress = d.get('macaddress', None) ip = { 'ipaddress' : d.get(ipkey, None), 'device' : device_name, 'tag': interface.replace('_', ' ') } if macaddress is not None: ip.update({'macaddress' : macaddress,}) if ip.get('ipaddress') is not None and ip.get('ipaddress') != '': post(API_IP_URL, ip)